Fleet Positions

Fleet positions: (*) salary paid by Quartermaster

*Quartermaster- In charge of fleet bank, in charge of credits and money management, in charge of paying salaries from fleet bank funds. Responsibilities include (superb loyalty, fiscal responsibility, must be on often.)

*Quartermaster Apprentice- same as above, salary-upon discretion of quartermaster

*Chief Recruiter- (2 positions needed)- in charge of recruiting Nausicaans to the fleet. Responsibilities include: passion for the fleet and must be on often. / 7000 credits for every recruit.

*Battle Master (3 positions needed) - in charge of organizing fleet members into teams and participating in pvp, warzones, etc.

*Propagandist- in charge of encouraging fleet bank donations and to support moral. Salary

Fleet website designer- help design the fleet website (salary based on quality of work)
Historian- In charge of fleet bio, and role playing story line. 100000 credits for biography plus 1000 creds a weak for adding and maintaining it.

Saboteur- In charge of espionage and spying on rival fleets. Salary depends on war status

Council Member- (3 needed) in charge of aiding and advising the pirate king on a variety of issues including foreign affairs, economics, etc. paid directly from Pirate King Perseus.